Storm clouds


JULY 2023

WELL, WE'VE REACHED THE MIDWAY mark for the year, which means things are going to be picking up speed again as we head toward 2024. For the moment, though, we've at a still point and there's a pleasant lull I'll be able to enjoy before the upcoming storm of more events, deadlines, marketing, and other promotional considerations kick in once more. 

In many ways staying busy can be a good thing as it keeps you focused and helps you achieve the various things on your "to do list", but in others it can get a bit too much at times wherein you begin to lose yourself amid the work and plans and start to find yourself in need of a break—a time to step away. And that is what I'll be looking forward to in these next few weeks. I won't be stepping away from the work but stepping back into and refocusing on actually getting back to creating things and writing things again.

I've been having to put some of that off these last few months as I've been on tour and engaged in other marketing and promotional efforts. It'll be good to step back into some projects and get back into crafting tales, editing stories, and other things I've missed. It will also allow me time to enjoy the summer as I've been out and about quite a bit these last few months---moving across the state and country more so than usual. It's nice to have a week were I'm not having to pack or plan or plot out trips, schedules, and the like. But soon enough I'll be back on the road again and into the thick of things before the holidays come to dominate all before the end of the year is upon us all. 

So I plan on enjoying the time ahead. I hope you do too. Summer will be here and gone before you know it and then the fall will be a flash before snow is falling and folks are wrapping lights around trees and houses again. If you're curious to see what's in store for the remainder of the year (as far as is known at the time of this writing) feel free to check out the events page in the weeks ahead. I'll be adding to it as more dates and events are confirmed. And in the meantime you can follow along on social media and sign up for the newsletter for additional updates. 

Have a great July, everyone!